Surgical Innovation Backed By Evidence
Full Studies
Almeida O, 2002 JSLS, Awake MicroLap with the Insuflow
Bala S, Warm and Humidified CO2 During Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass Surgery
Bessell J 1995 Surg Endosc, Hypothermia Induced by Laparoscopic Insufflation
Binda M, Effect of desiccation and temp during lap on adhesions in mice
Bolnick - Postoperative Adhesions as a Consequence of Pelvic Surgery
Case Report-First fetoscopic MMC repair
Davey A, 2013 Intl Journal of Inflammation, Effects of Insufflation Conditions on Rat Mesothelium
diZerga G, 2000 Peritoneal Surgery, Exerts from the Forward of Peritoneal Surgery by Victor Gomel
Dong, Heated and Hum CO2 inhibits tumour cell proliferation
Garner R, 2000 J Am Assoc Gyne, Maintenance of Cell Viability at Laparoscopy by Hydration of CO2
Jacobs V, 2000 J Am Assoc Gyn Lap, Model to Determine Gas Flow Lap Insufflators
Johnston G, 2002 AAGL, Peritoneal Cell Death Due to Heated-Only CO2 Insufflation
Kandaswamy Letter to the Editor - Laparoscopic vs open nephrectomy in 210 consecutive patients
MacFadyen B 1990 Surg Endosc, Hypothermia - A Potential Risk of CO2 Insufflation
Lenhardt R 1997 Anesthesiology, Mild Intraoperative Hypothermia Prolongs Postanesthetic Recovery
Nezhat - A Simple Solution to Lens Fogging during Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery
Ott D 1991 JLS, Laparoscopic Hypothermia
Ott - Unique Laparoscopic Access Port For Improving Gas Delivery Quality and Surgical Outcomes
Peng Y, 2009 Journal of Surgical Research, Heated and Humidified CO2 Prevents Hypothermia
Saad S, 2000 Surg Endosc, The Clinical Impact of Warmed Insufflation CO2 for Lap Cholecystectomy
Villamiel L 1990 Post Anesthes Nurse, Help! This Postanesthesia Care Unit Patient Is Hypothermic
Volz J, 1999 Surg Endosc, Characteristic Alterations of the Peritoneum after CO2 Pneumoperitoneum
Wiseman D, Slides Humid & Temp on Insuffl Gas on Intact Peritoneum (B)