Brooke Brazer Brooke Brazer

“This is the best I have EVER felt after surgery.”

Diana, Minneapolis, MN

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Brooke Brazer Brooke Brazer

“I could not believe how quickly I recovered from my gallbladder surgery. I knew the Insuflow was supposed to reduce post-operative pain, but it practically eliminated it! The only pain medication that I took was what they administered to me in the recovery room. I had some incisional soreness, like anyone would, but that’s it. Having surgery without the Insuflow is just plain foolish.”

Mike, Dallas, TX

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Brooke Brazer Brooke Brazer

“Thanks to you and the Insuflow, I had no pain at all! My surgeon was pleasantly surprised by my complete lack of pain and discomfort, and he attributed it solely to LEXION’s device.”

Doreen, Minneapolis, MN

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Brooke Brazer Brooke Brazer

“I had laparoscopy done, and to my amazement, I did not have any pain from the gas! What a relief! One less thing to deal with after surgery. I was so pleased and surprised when I was told that they used the LEXION System during my surgery to cut down on gas discomfort. Words cannot express how grateful I am to your company. If this letter can help in any way so that no one else goes through that grueling discomfort that I felt the first time around, then my words have been heard.”

Joanne, Boca Raton, FL

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Brooke Brazer Brooke Brazer

“Thanks to the skill of my surgeron and the effectiveness of the Insuflow, I had no need for pain medication after my 5 hour surgery.”

Ruth, Milwaukee, WI

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Brooke Brazer Brooke Brazer

“I have had chronic pelvic pain for years. After having five laparoscopic surgeries and suffering terrible post-operative pain that lasted for days, my husband found information about Insuflow on the internet and arranged to have it used during my sixth surgery. What a difference! I had absolutely no post-operative shoulder pain.”

Nancy, Wyoming, MN

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Brooke Brazer Brooke Brazer

“I have endometriosis and have had 14 laparoscopies over the past 10 years. Each time, I have experienced shoulder and back pain, and have taken a few days to recuperate. My last surgery was my first surgery using Insuflow. I wish I had known about Insuflow sooner. Immediately after surgery, I could notice a significant difference in how I felt. I did not have any shoulder or back pain, and was back to work the next day. I would highly recommend Insuflow for anyone who is having laparoscopic surgery.”

Dina, St. Paul, MN

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