“I am now using the system by LEXION. To me, this is the best system out there. It gives you continuous insufflation up to 40 liters per minute. It also has continuous suction (smoke evacuation) to collect the smoke and plume you generate with the PneuVIEW XE filter. I didn’t want to vent anymore and I like that this is a one way closed system.
It gives you beautiful pneumo and the visibility is amazing. I think it is a great system.:
-Dwight Im, MD, FACOG
“I am using the LEXION system on all laparoscopic procedures now.”
Dr. Jeremy D. Steinbaum, General Surgery
“I like that we have stable insufflation without fluctuation. With the InsuflowPort, the heated/humidified CO2 keeps the camera from getting cooled and fogged. I would recommend LEXION’s easy to use system!”
Dr. Marianne Cusick, Colorectal Surgery
“I like the LEXION system because it is cheaper than Airseal and works just as well. I would recommend the AP 50/30 insufflator, InsuflowPort and PneuView XE.”
Dr. Eric Askenasy, Colorectal Surgery
“I plan on expanding my use of the Insuflow to all intra-abdominal laparoscopic surgeries.”
Dr. William J. Noell Jr., General Surgery
“I would recommend the PneuView XE Smoke Eliminator because it allows for smoke evacuation away from insufflation port minimizing the change of liquid getting in the line.”
Dr. Marianne Cusik, Colon & Rectal Surgery